March 21. “Button, the headline—That’s Weird—and the byline—Cops use teddy bears to deal with accidents—obviously got me interested.
I’ll read it out to you so that you know how cuddlesome teddy bears spring to mind when some TLC is required: Kent police have come up with a novel idea to help officers cope with traffic accidents—100 teddy bears have been purchased to comfort distressed children. The police will hand the ‘trauma teddies’ which will be carried in all police vehicles to children aged under six to help them deal with the shock of a car crash. The man who got a local soft toy manufacturer to donate the soft toys said—fear and confusion can overwhelm children and sometimes all they need is comfort.”
“That’s a refreshing bit of news. But what is TLC?”
“TLC stands for tender loving care. We also complete exactly six months of this dialogue we began on September 21: Remember?”
“Now that you tell me, I do. Thank you for being so patient and kind. Thank you for your love. Thank you for noticing me. Thank you for everything”