Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
January 21. “Button, my younger daughter turned a year older today. That little tom-boy of mine has grown into a beautiful woman. Did you see my letter to her?”

January 21. “Button, my younger daughter turned a year older today. That little tom-boy of mine has grown into a beautiful woman. Did you see my letter to her?”

“I have not read the letter but tell me briefly what it says.”

“I told her that I loved her for being a very focused person. She told me the other day how—at the moment—she is concentrating on just two things. The first is family and the second is her work. She has a mind of her own and knows exactly what she wants.”

“That’s a great feat. Not everybody knows what they want and keep wavering forever.  What did the four of you do today?”

“My younger daughter had actually wanted to stay at home and eat home-cooked food but when I called her in the evening, she was game for going out for a meal. My elder daughter had some work this side of town so she came, picked me up and the two of us went to the office, picked her up. Dost joined us a little later. We had a meal at Ruby Tuesday and came back home rather early. Day was well spent or so I hope. At least for her sake.”

“How time flies!”

“That’s why the phrase—time and tide waits for no one.”

“I think you should go to sleep now. I am sleepy too. Goodnight.”

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