Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
Flash Post 103!

Flash Post 103!

The car ride to Samovar was a quiet one. I sat in the passenger seat while Mojo, Mowgli and Button somehow managed to squeeze onto the back seat. Mojo continued to stare out of the window and Mowgli sat quietly trying to break the silence by looking up at Button and smiling coyly once in a while!

“I’m sleepy!”

“That’s because you’re tired, Button! You’ll be wide awake by the time we arrive at Samovar.”

“What’s that? There’s a huge banner at the entrance to Samovar that says “Happy Birthday Button! Who thought that through?”

“Once again, planned and executed by my daughters! Like it?”

“Like it? I love it. When are they getting here?”

“Soon. And look at the queue outside Samovar! It’s never been this crazy. Just goes to show how many fans this place has! There they are. Dost will join us in some time!”

“Is Dost angry with me? He has every reason to be!”

There was a lot of hugging and kissing between everyone and then we went and stood in queue like everyone else!

“There he is. Dost is here. I’ll go say hello.”

We were seated at two tables at the entrance. One of the waiters who knew Dost came and informed us that food was running out and that if we wanted to order, we should order right away. We ordered some mint tea and pakoras to begin with.

“Button, what would you like to eat? You must be starving.”

“I’ll have some bhel. What can we order for Mowgli and Mojo?”

After we had all eaten and drunk our tea, the mike suddenly began playing “happy birthday” and all those present began singing along and wishing Button and the waiters arrived carrying a huge cake with the message “Happy Birthday Button. Welcome Back.”

Button was moved to tears.

“Thank you all.”

“Was your pre-birthday celebration worthy of your return, Button?”

“I have no words to convey my gratitude. I don’t even know what to say apart from saying thank you to begin with! I love you and I have missed you all immensely.”

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