April 6. “Why did you not write to me yesterday? You’ve done it earlier while traveling!”
“Just wanted to check if you miss me at all!”
“You know I do. I don’t have to tell you that.”
“I’ll take you to the city where both Dost and I were born and grew up in the next time we go there. It’s a unique city.”
“Any fun stuff you did that you’d like to share with me?”
“We had only 24 hours in hand. Didn’t have any time to do any of the things I would have liked to do but I made it a point to visit my mother.”
“Is she well?”
“Yes. Touch wood. And still running around the house doing odd jobs and helping out my sister as much as she can.”
“Did you drive down Park Street and Flury’s?”
“Not this time. Like I said we were there for 24 hours only. And Dost had his meetings and interviews so I stayed indoors the whole of yesterday. Stepped out this morning, only to meet up with my mother.”
“Where did you put up? You normally put up at the Taj Bengal.”
“We stayed at Sonar Kolkata which is close to the airport.”
“Nice hotel?”
“Nice. Now come and give me a hug before I go to sleep. It’s late.”