Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
April 13. “Button, ever since Dost turned vegan, all of us have turned to vegetarianism.

April 13. “Button, ever since Dost turned vegan, all of us have turned to vegetarianism.

My younger daughter has been one since a very long time and my elder daughter and I, who used to eat seafood sometimes, have also turned full time vegetarians. And, I must say, it feels good and cleansing.”

“Who’s a vegan. That’s a new word for me?”

“A vegan is someone who does not kill to eat.”

“How is it pronounced?”

“I’ve heard some people pronounce it as ‘veegan’; yet others pronounce it as ‘veagan’.”

“When did Dost turned vegan?”

“It’s been a couple of months. He was a vegetarian earlier but not vegan. And he’s having a great time. He’s even learnt to enjoy tomato and cucumber sandwiches.”

“All said and done, it is a much cleaner way to live.”

“Absolutely and one feels great not killing to eat.”

“Where’s your younger daughter? I did not see her at dinner!”

“She’s in the studio working on a promo and will be back pretty late. Did you like the soy burgers I made for dinner?”

“I loved them.”