Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
April 11. “Now tell me every detail of your visit to Katrina’s place.”

April 11. “Now tell me every detail of your visit to Katrina’s place.”

“I landed there around 7 and found Katrina and her family all dressed up and waiting.”

“Are they a big family?”

“Theirs is nuclear just like ours: It consists of her mother, her father and a younger sister.”

“They must have fawned over you!”

“The fawning made me feel very uncomfortable but they are very lovely people. Not once did they ask me silly questions. Katrina introduced me as a special friend and we sat and chatted a bit. Around 8, her mother laid out a yummy spread and we chatted some more till I left around 9.”

“Did Katrina like the flowers you took for her?”

“She loved them.”

“Have you eaten? Would you like some dinner?”

“I ate bhel, aloo chaat and an assortment of sandwiches. I am actually full.”

“So the family is vegetarian?”

“Yes and it was her sister, Kareena, who prepared all the stuff. She is very fond of cooking and has been helping her mother in the kitchen from a very young age. She has plans of becoming a masterchef when she grows up and starting her own restaurant chain.”

“She’s an early starter.”

“By the way, you looked very smart in your white shirt, faded jeans and waistcoat.”

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