Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
April 10. “Did you have a great time, Button?”

April 10. “Did you have a great time, Button?”

“I had a superb time.  Thank you so much.”

“Which is the ride you liked the most? The merry-go-round or the giant wheel?”

“I liked the merry-go-round because I got to sit on a horse. The giant wheel is scary especially on its way down. I got butterflies in my tummy and my heart was in my mouth! Rani was also scared to death. For a moment I thought she would pass out. She’s such a tigress at home. Why is she so scared when she goes out of the house?”

“Honestly, I don’t have a clue.”

“Mowgli was cool because she was sitting on her mother’s lap. It looks as if she can take on the world ensconced there. I also loved the breeze on my face.”

“What about the bhel?”

“The bhel was tasty but I love the bhel you make at home. Why did your younger daughter not accompany us on the rides?”

“She gets dizzy.”

“I also loved the drive on our way back home.”

“You can’t go for a real drive anymore because of the mad traffic these days unless you are out of the city. I’ll take you for a real car ride soon.”

“Can I go visit Katrina tomorrow? She’s chewing my head up because I still haven’t.”

“Sure you can.”

“Thank you.”

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