Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
September 15. “I watched a spider spinning his web this morning and was amazed at how deftly he was doing it.

September 15. “I watched a spider spinning his web this morning and was amazed at how deftly he was doing it.

He went in and out, back and forth, up and down and, in minutes, had this piece of installation in place. Have you ever seen the texture of the thread he weaves with? It’s like the finest silk. He reminded me of our own craftsman doing the finest embroidery.”

“Did you watch him swiftly slide down that gossamer like a fire-man rushing to douse fire and sliding up again? He’s also an OCD. That web he weaves is so perfect!”

“I could sit for hours and watch him.”

“Talking of spiders, there is a road in the UK called Selbourne Road that has 143 varieties. As many as 2,300 sightings have been recorded.”

“I must admit spiders scare me. Are you scared too?”

“Very. All those creepy-crawlies give me the jitters. I remember how scared I was of cockroaches especially the flying variety as a kid. I’d be out of my room in no time. I hate the flying type.”

“Is it the male or the female that flies?”

“I think it is the female cockroach that flies but I’m not absolutely sure.”

“Goodnight and creepy dreams. Look under your bed to make sure there aren’t any spiders around to spin a web and trap you!”