May 18. “Are you ready for the spelling test, Button?”
“I am.”
“Did someone tutor you?”
“I got Rani to test my spellings at random. And I must say I fared rather well.”
“Spell GAUGE.”
“Correct. Now spell MISERABLE.”
“Why? I spell words after listening to the phonetics. Isn’t it pronounced misrable?”
“Yes. But there’s an ‘e’ after the ‘s’. It’s an adjective derived from the word ‘misery’ which is a noun.”
“It’s much too complicated.”
“Nothing’s complicated once you understand the logistics.”
“Now spell DINING.”
“Can I have a go at it one more time please?”
“You’re right this time. Now let’s check your score. You’ve got 2 out of 5 and that’s nowhere close to being good.”