Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
March 26. “Button, we turned on the television this afternoon to find an episode of The Bold and the Beautiful being aired.

March 26. “Button, we turned on the television this afternoon to find an episode of The Bold and the Beautiful being aired.

Whenever I see this soap, I am reminded of my ma-in-law. She was in her 80’s at the time she came to live with us and this was one serial she never missed. At that time, this particular soap used to be aired around 9 at night if I remember right and she would be wide awake to watch it and later go to bed.”

“That’s the spirit!”

“While watching it this afternoon, we discovered that most of the actors are around still playing their roles. They’ve aged but they are there. The other thing I remember her for is scrabble. I learnt the finer points of the game to be able to play with her. We played the game almost every evening and she beat me every time. For me, playing a game of scrabble with her and winning was akin to climbing Mount Everest because she was so seasoned. Ofcourse, when she made words like ‘zo’ and ‘zoa’ we contested but discovered that the dictionary carried those words.”

“Scrabble is that word-making game?”

“Yes. Want to play a round?”

“Any time.”

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