Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
March 14. 2.42pm. “Button, I’ve learnt some new words today: The first is vegangelical.”

March 14. 2.42pm. “Button, I’ve learnt some new words today: The first is vegangelical.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a fanatic vegetarian out to convert non-vegetarians. The word vegangelical comes from vegan and evangelical. A vegangelical thinks that any other lifestyle other than veganism is wrong. The word usually used in the West, was first printed in 2003.”

“And the next one?”

“What is Jabberwocky?”

“I know it’s from a novel by Lewis Carroll.”

“Jabberwocky is a nonsensical poem about a fictitious beast created by Lewis Carroll The poem is well known for its nonsensical words and is supposed to be the best in its category.”

“I’ve learnt two new words today. Do you know the time of the IPL?”

“Not really but I can check it out for you.”

“When are we eating lunch? I’m hungry.”

“Lunch will be served the minute my elder daughter is back—another half an hour at the most. She’s cooking a dish for Dost once she returns.”

“Vegetarian or non-vegetarian?”

“Neither. It’s a vegan dish.”

“And what are we having for lunch?”

“I had some ideas but everyone wanted pizzas.”

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