Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
Life’s A Roller Coaster Ride | Flash Post 313

Life’s A Roller Coaster Ride | Flash Post 313

Button, your Dost and I were at a high-profile wedding reception last Saturday and I observed a  few things that made me wonder.

Wonder! About what?

I noticed some distinctive senior-citizens who were there but didn’t have anything to talk about with their spouses. For instance, I noticed that the wife of a very senior politician was sitting on a bench provided at the venue while her husband sat on another bench blankly staring into space without talking with each other. I remembered Dost and I having a meal at the politician’s home years back, so I walked up to the politician’s wife, introduced myself and told her that we’d been to their house a long while back. At that point, she smiled at me though I seriously doubt she remembered anything.

Why is that?

I have no idea but I believe that when couples get older and are done with their respective duties, they’d be more accessible to each other, speak with each other, travel and have fun at that stage of their lives but it’s not so! When we were leaving, I turned around to see if they were still around.


They were. They hadn’t budged from their seats and were still looking in different directions while others at the reception walked up to the politician to greet him.

That’s weird!

I notice this amongst young couples too and, with the advent of the cellphone, things couldn’t have got any worse! I’ve noticed young couples having dinner and reading their messages or tweeting or instagraming. But what about conversation? Two people can talk about a million things, making eye contact, holding hands and having fun.

Can’t one have fun on a telephone?

Button, don’t be stupid. It’s not the same thing as emoting, expressing your love for that person or telling that person you love him. Which is better and more effective? Holding the hand of a person you love, looking into his eyes and telling him you love him or sending a text to tell him that?

One can do both. No?


Or this?

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