Gratitude | Flash Post 327
Button, this post is based on what my psychologist asked me to write on as part of my homework.
And what exactly is that?
She asked me to write on gratitude.
I know what I am grateful for!
And what may that be?
I’m grateful to all of you for giving me a home and caring for me as well as giving me this platform to make friends and join you to entertain them, even though Dost doesn’t quite like the fact that I share his room with him.
That’s his way of harassing you. He does it with all of us all the time and you are aware of it. You haven’t had a chance of meeting his mother who would constantly admonish him for pulling my leg. Its a lot less now but he continues to do so with those he feels can count as friends. Dost really loves you a great deal.
Now let’s hear about all the things you feel gratitude for.
I have lots of things to be grateful for. My beginnings were very humble but after Dost and I met and we decided to get married, life for me, has been a roller-coaster ride. I’ve lived a great life learning about all the stuff I would otherwise not have learnt had Dost not come into my life. He has practically raised me and taught me everything I know today. We’ve lived a great life, travelled the world, given birth to two wonderful daughters and continue to live life on a roller-coaster. What more could I ask for?
What else?
Also the fact that we are in good health courtesy God and our parents because we’ve inherited their genes. The fact that I have the means to feed strays in our neighbourhood and care for them is something I am grateful about. I’m grateful about waking up morning after morning to see and live one more day for which I send up a small prayer to God. I’m grateful about the rescued pets I have at home who give us love and joy. I can actually draw up a long list of the things I am grateful for.
Do you have anything that you are not grateful about?
The good times that I’ve lived outnumber the minor disappointments by far. Losing my parents, especially my father who passed away when he was just 63 saddens me till this day. He was such a fun-loving man and it saddens me deeply that I couldn’t take care of him and nurture him back to health when he was unwell.
It’s sad that we can only move ahead in life and not undo some of the wrongs of the past.
I remember this precious lesson that my pa-in-law taught me in one of my sadder moments: He told me to count my blessings one by one and I continue to count them even now as I fly enroute to Mumbai after enjoying a beautiful 2-day break in Kolkata with Dost.