Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
Flash Post 251!

Flash Post 251!

Button, you saw nothing short of a miracle unfold before your eyes on our terrace last night.

You mean the blooming of the Brahmakamal?

What else?

Why don’t you tell the story from the start? With visuals, of-course.

Well, the bud started to open around 1.30 in the afternoon and remained that way till almost 8.30 after which it started to open up more.

And then, there was no stopping it.  It bloomed little by little till, around 12.30 in the morning, we had a fully bloomed Brahmakamal in our garden.

Now tell us a little about this flower.

This flower, named after Brahma, the God of Creation (as per Hindu mythology), blooms only for one night in a year, somewhere between June and mid-October and the fully bloomed flower lasts only for a few hours. The Brahmakamal is related with a story of how Brahma emerged from Vishnu’s naval in a lotus flower. It is said that it blooms in homes that are extremely lucky and is a sign of prosperity. Another story goes that homes where the Brahmakamal blooms will be the recipient of glad things.

Touch wood. And don’t forget to thank your gardener, Alam, without whose efforts this would not have been possible.

I’ll remember to do that. Thanks for reminding me.

By the way, this is the fully bloomed flower in all its glory.

On second thoughts, let’s not put up the visual of what it looked like in the morning when it’s journey had ended. Let our readers live with the one above and revel in its beauty.

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