Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
December 2. “Button, according to the results of the search machine called True Knowledge, April 11, 1954, was the most boring day in History.”

December 2. “Button, according to the results of the search machine called True Knowledge, April 11, 1954, was the most boring day in History.”

“How did they reach that conclusion?”

“After inserting over 300 million important events of the century into a computer search programme to do the math, experts came to this conclusion that nobody significant died that day, no major events occurred and, though a typical day in the 20th century has many notable people being born, only a Turkish academic may have laid claim to having being born on that day.”

“Where did you read this one?”

“The DNA of November 27. True Knowledge does not search for boring days alone!”

“What else does it look for?”

“According to them, April 30, 1930 was dubbed as the dullest day of the 20th century after the BBC Radio announcer at the 6.30 pm bulletin declared: “There is no news!”

“There was really no news! That’s unbelievable.”

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