April 2. “Button, today was one of the saddest days of my life.”
“But why?”
“An ex-employee of our company expired. He was only 36 and passed away suddenly in his sleep. As he lived alone, my elder daughter had gifted him a lovely Labrador whom he named Sydney. Sydney was given a companion because she was lonely. She was a pom called Candy. After he passed away, Sydney and Candy became homeless. There was no way we could get Sydney and Candy to come and live with us because of Rani and Mowgli. It was the most painful experience trying to locate another home for the two and sending them away and, since they had been together from the start, there was no way we could separate them. My daughter finally managed to find a lady by the name of Melissa who runs a shelter for homeless animals in Lonavla who took them in. My daughter is shattered and so is Dost.”
“Such is life, I guess.”
“But why?”
“Every question doesn’t necessarily have an answer.”
“I’m sleepy. May I, please, go to bed?”