Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
April 1. 10am. “Button, I’m sorry I couldn’t write to you last night despite the ample time I had on my hands because, on reaching the airport, I realized that I’d left my ipad at home!”

April 1. 10am. “Button, I’m sorry I couldn’t write to you last night despite the ample time I had on my hands because, on reaching the airport, I realized that I’d left my ipad at home!”

“Why should you be sorry? Relax and take it easy. But how are you writing to me today?”

“Dost has, very kindly, allowed me to use his laptop and, that’s how I’ve managed. Is everything well at home?”

“All’s well.”

“What did you three do yesterday?”

“MoJo told us a most fascinating story about the time she went for her operation and all the stuff that crossed her mind. She’s an excellent story-teller.”

“Tell me the story.”


She entered the her benefactor’s home when she turned just 2 weeks old.

The all welcomed her with open arms and showered her with as much TLC as they could. She was a fluffy white ball of fur whose favourite place in the huge 4000 square feet flat was a corner in the kitchen.

What should we call her—asked Mita.

Quite a few names were tossed up like Sheeba, Moon, Magic which was the name given to our very first pet, a pomeraniun, who died some years back and a couple of others. It was Mita who suggested we call her MoJo and the name stuck.

When MoJo turned 7 months old, her family took a call that she needed to be sterilized which was a small operation. Mojo panicked on hearing this. She was looking forward to growing up into a beautiful young woman, falling in love and finally getting married and having some lovely pups of her own. Why was her family taking a call on her behalf? The idea scared her sick.

One day MoJo sat down with Rani, Mowgli and Button and told them about her fears. Rani, she asked, Do you think I should go ahead with the operation? Were you steralised at such a young age? I want to live part of my life as a complete woman and experience everything there is to experience. But how do I tell my family that I don’t want to go ahead with the operation? Will you speak to them on my behalf please?

Rani, who was the eldest of the pack told MoJo in no uncertain terms that this familyknew what they were doing and that she should go along with the operation if the family felt she should.

The day of the operation dawned sooner than expected. To banish every fear that MoJo was going through, she decided to paint a picture in her mind that was bright and cheerful.

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