September 19. “Button, do you realize that man’s best friend is the sole species whose offspring—if they are the high pedigree type—are either sold for unbelievable prices or gifted away?
Can you imagine the mental agony the mother goes through because of this reason? We overlook her motherly instincts and the fact that she can’t feed her babies or nurse them!”
“The pups must be going through torture too. How can anything—no matter how much TLC you give— compensate for mother’s love?”
“Have you met the little bundle of joy our neighbours have gifted us?”
“I have but you are also in that heartless category because you have accepted the baby!”
“I agree. What also happens is that the original owners can’t take care of so many and, therefore, give them away. Feeding the mother and taking care of her as well as feeding so many tiny mouths and taking care of the little ones is a huge task and very expensive too. This is one reason, I would imagine, why they are gifted or sold.”
“Has she been named yet?”
“No, but we have a few in mind.”
“Like what?”
“I suggested Mint or Apple. My elder daughter suggested we name her Mishti which, in Bengali, means sweet. Let’s see which one sticks! Do you have any in mind?”