October 31. “Button, this was a bad month for the club. In spite of it being Diwali, we did not do good business.
To top that, the fire which ruined our reception area entirely and some parts of the gym ruined our chances of attracting probable members from coming and enrolling. I had a lovely name for our front office even though I shouldn’t be making fun but I just have to tell you this. In Bengali we have a phrase “Mukh pora” which, when translated into English, literally means ‘someone with a burnt face’ or, to be precise—‘someone who is extremely unlucky’. Right now, we have a black face. Seeing us in that condition, which sane person would come in and pay! This one had my daughter in splits.”
“Tough. But that’s life, I guess. At times, the highs reach the very top and the lows touch rock-bottom. Life is all about balancing the two.”
“Incidentally, I am much happier with all the light streaming into the room. Have you noticed that I’ve stopped sulking?”
“I must tell you this before retiring tonight—My day’s horoscope said that I need to be very close to someone and that if I don’t get that someone, I could wrap myself around a teddy and hug him really tight. So here I come…”