Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
October 27. “This month has been really bad for the club, Button.

October 27. “This month has been really bad for the club, Button.

The revenue hasn’t been good. On top of that, the fire burnt the place badly. Everything looks pretty awful.”

“Have some patience. Hopefully things will start to look up. Accidents happen and are out of our control. But what’s great is that you got back into operation mode in just a day’s time. That’s remarkable.”

“Yes, but that’s not such a big consolation. But, thanks anyways.”

“Why did Rani and Mowgli get into a fight?”

“I don’t really know. But they are a lot like human beings. They also have their good days and bad days, their sad days and their happy days, days when they get into fights for no reason at all. There’s no valid reason. It was a lot worse earlier when we had the two boxers and Mystique, the stray.”

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