October 20. “Are you asleep, Button? What I read in the Mid-day today is terrible news and I want to share it with you..
There were four guys being driven to a party at their boss’s place somewhere in Cuffe Parade when their driver complained of severe chest pain. The men helped the driver out of the vehicle, sat him down on a pavement, got behind the wheel and drove off to be at the party in time. A good Samaritan saw the man writhing in pain and drove him to a nearby hospital and saved his life.”
“I am stunned. What’s happening to the human race? Have they always been so cruel and cold?”
“Now, Button—look at the positive side. We also have good Samaritans around. What I am trying to say is that amidst all this chaos, there is hope. Let’s be grateful for that.”
“It’s how you see a half empty glass—it’s either half full or half empty: Right?”
“Always try and see the positive side of everything.”