November 12. “Button, come and have a look at a clipping I’ve cut out to show you and tell me what these are.”
“Let me have a look at the picture first.”
“Here. See.”
“What are these creatures?”
“Owls. They got burnt from firecrackers on Diwali and are being treated for burns and respiratory problems at the BSPCA. Besides these owls, there were two kites, 20-25 pigeons, crows and some unique species of birds undergoing treatment.”
“When will the human race ever learn that there are other living species besides themselves who they need to spare a thought for!”
“Why are you limping. Is something wrong?”
“At yoga class on Thursday, my big tow was cracked so hard that it’s either sprained or, maybe, broken!”
“Haven’t you see a doctor or got an X-ray done?”
“Not yet. I’m hoping it’s a sprain and will heal on its own.”