My Beautiful Greys | Flash Post 429
Button, an interesting dialogue ensued between the grey and black strands of hair left on my head.
Really! Like what?
The greys, whose numbers far exceed the blacks now said cheekily: You can’t hide me behind a black facade any longer!
When did I do that in the first place, huh, said Black! The lady felt she looked nice when I gave you a makeover and I did as I was told. With the pandemic, she actually discovered that her natural hair colour, which is mostly grey by now, together with the remaining strands of black, looked good and stuck to it—much to her family’s discomfort.
You’re kidding me, right? said Grey. I find it difficult to believe that you didn’t have a hand in it! But the truth is that your time is up and it’s my turn to blossom and make her look lovely too. Have you even noticed that she looks equally gorgeous now, if not better?
But she looked much younger when I reigned.
I’ve just begun, said Grey. Looking her age and yet looking good is what she opts for now. You do realise that I am for real.
What do you mean? asked Black.
That you hid me away beneath a black veil all these years despite the fact that the lady in question often tried to express her reluctance in going to a parlour every few weeks.
Veil or no veil, Grey, I ruled for over 30 years and, no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to beat that record!
But you cheated, replied Grey. You owe me an apology.
Apology for what, Grey? You should be apologising to me for snatching away the rights I was rightfully given.
But you could have spoken up, Black. Didn’t you feel the need to?
I didn’t land up on my own to give you a makeover. I did as I was told.
Obviously better sense prevailed because she doesn’t want to keep me under wraps any more.
Fair and square, Grey. It was good while it lasted and I apologise though I don’t think I need to. Again, I simply followed orders.
I’m sorry I was harsh on you, Black. It’s just that I was tired of being throttled all these years.
So here’s my hand, Grey. Have a long run, maybe even longer than the one I had. I am very happy for you.
Black, you may have observed how elders are flaunting their grey locks these days—in varied styles? And, as younger people are turning grey before their time maybe because of the immense stress they live under, they are very happy staying that way and simply being themselves.
The one thing I have not understood, Grey, is why black hair is linked with youth and grey with old age?
Who knows, Black! It’s those humans who tag grey hair, wrinkles and fading eyesight with old age. I see only beauty. There’s nothing to be ashamed of turning old gracefully.
I’d better be going, Grey. It was nice talking to you. Go forward and flaunt your true colours.