March 9. “Button, I remember watching a movie once called Love is a Many-Splendoured Thing.”
“Why are you suddenly telling me about this movie?”
“I’ll tell you why.”
“I’m listening.”
“You know I’m in Delhi.”
“I know.”
“Dost and I were driving to a meeting Dost was enroute to when I spotted a group of people, all stricken with leprosy and, strangely all were on wheelchairs. Amidst this group, a lone couple stood out, talking and laughing and having a really good time while the others looked sad and unhappy. She suddenly flicked out a cell phone from nowhere, spoke into it and held it to the man’s ears as he couldn’t hold it himself and cackled and laughed without a care in the world.”
“How sweet.”
“And, as he spoke, she kept giggling and teasing him. Her laughter was infectious since the others in the same group also broke out into laughter and I marveled at this couple who, in spite of being lepers, were having such a great time and making others of their ilk also have a good time. Was this true love, I asked myself as I pointed it out to Dost.”