Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
March 6. “I got to know you’re off to Delhi tomorrow!”

March 6. “I got to know you’re off to Delhi tomorrow!”

“Dost and I are. Dost has some meetings and I’ll be going along, Button.”

“Lucky you.”

“It’s not only Delhi we are going to. On Thursday we fly to Udaipur for a couple of days.”

“Then you’re doubly lucky. That’s lovely because you’ll get to rest for a long time. And when are the two of you back?”

“On Sunday.”

“Well, have a good trip and don’t forget to write.”

“Goodnight, Button. But wait. I have some interesting news for you.”

“What news?”

“In two weeks, our planet could be headed for a big showdown according to some, as the moon will be at its closest point to earth in 18 years.”

“Really? And what might be the outcome of this?”

“On March 19, the moon will be just 356,577 km away from earth which, according to internet theorists, may bring about extreme weather, earthquakes and volcanoes. But scientists have rubbished these theories.”

“Where did you read about this?”

“In the HT dated March 5.”