March 30. “Button, any news of Katrina? You have not spoken about her in a while! Is everything okay?”
“All is well. She’s just annoyed that I have not had the time to visit her folks.”
“But why haven’t you found the time? It’s obvious she wants you to meet them.”
“I gave her my assurance that I’d go over in some time but she wants me to do so when she says I must. We had a small argument over that.”
“So that’s what’s wrong!”
“Are all women like that?”
“Like what?”
“I mean dictatorial. She’s like Hitler.”
“Come on. It’s obvious she wants to show you off. What’s wrong with that?”
“There’s nothing wrong. It’s just that I want to do it at a time that suits me.”
“Who is being difficult now? But tell her that nicely. She’s a cute girl. She’ll understand.”
“Are you out of your mind? She’s as obstinate as a mule.”
“Button, now you’re being outright rude.”