March 12. “Button, where are you? You were sitting on this chair when I went to bed last night.”
“I am in my room.”
“Why are you sulking?”
“You accused me of taking over your study. I was merely checking out my mail at a time when you generally don’t work on the computer.”
“I wasn’t accusing you. Dost does the same thing to me. He reminds me very often that this study belongs to him and how I have taken it over. I was merely pulling your leg.”
“I am very hurt.”
“Come, give me a hug and you’ll be okay. I didn’t know you can operate a computer!”
“I learnt from watching you. Fluffy as well as Katrina have laptops and they were suggesting that I too learn how to operate one so we can communicate with each other. I promise I will not use it when you do your work. Can I use it in the afternoons or when you are away at the club?”
“By all means. And how is Katrina?”
“She’s good and wants us to go across to her place one of these days.”
“Things are getting hotter. It’s obvious she wants her parents to meet you. Have you decided on a date?”
“I will and check it out with you.”