Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
July 6. “Button, did you like the way I threw you high up in the air and caught you on your way down?”

July 6. “Button, did you like the way I threw you high up in the air and caught you on your way down?”

“I liked it but, at the same time, felt slightly scared imagining what could have happened if you missed!”

“Don’t you have any confidence in me?”

“I do and a lot but there’s always a chance of accidents taking place, which is not in your hands.”

“What else?”

“The other thing is that I am not a child. That’s something you would do with a baby.”

“By the way, I think you’ve lost some weight. Check it out tomorrow.”

“It must be the surya namaskar I practice every day.”

“How many can you do?”

“I do around 25. I’ll beat Kareena Kapoor soon. I’ve also cut down on the bhel.

“I remember how Dost would do the throwing-up-in-the-air act with both our daughters and how they would squeal on their way down. Of-course, my heart used to come out of my mouth every time.”

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