January 9. 10pm. “Button, hi. Would you mind very much if I kept my chat with you brief? My daughters are waiting for me to go watch a movie with them?”
“Not at all, friend. I am happy that you’ve come and said hi to me.”
“You are sweet. Very sweet. By the way, Rani asked about you today. She came close to my ear and asked how you are doing. I told her to talk to you and find out for herself.”
“That’s sweet of her. I always thought Rani was very caring. But tell her to come visit me more often.”
“I’ll do that. And I’ll talk to you again—at length—tomorrow.”
“By the way, what movie are you watching?”
“Don’t have a clue. Come and watch the movie with us if you want.”
“I’ll go to bed. Goodnight. Tell me about the movie tomorrow. There’s just a day left for your birthday and the car ride. Remember? I am so excited.”
“I remember. Goodnight.”