Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
January 1. “Button, today is the very first day of this year and it’ll be gone in half an hour. What is that one thing we can’t hold on to?”

January 1. “Button, today is the very first day of this year and it’ll be gone in half an hour. What is that one thing we can’t hold on to?”

“We can’t hold on to time.”

“A new desk calendar has already replaced the old one. I am also using my brand new diary.”

“I’ve seen that too. You also have a full house today.”

“Apart from my sister, her husband and daughter, we also had our eldest daughter, her husband and two daughters come over.”

“And how is your movie doing?”

“I don’t know about the box-office collections but the film has got good reviews and good ratings—an average of 3 stars.”

“But I’m told that the movie 3 Idiots has taken the cake, the icing and everything else and grossed over 100 crores!”

“Amazing and the controversy about Raju Hirani and Vidhu Vinod Chopra not giving Chetan Bhagat, the author of the book, ample credit for 3 Idiots, will help sell more copies of the book and drive more people into theatres. I also heard Raju changed certain sections of the novel and took credit for it! Making a movie that works is a different ballgame these days. A movie is successful if you have a marketing strategy in place even before the movie is shot. The weirder the better!”


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