Flash Post 292!
Button, you do know what an elevator is, don’t you?
It’s something that gives you a high. Something that makes you feel good.
Not a mood elevator, you fool. What’s the elevator I’m talking about?
You mean a lift! Why can’t you just call a lift a lift? Why do you need to use complex words!
It’s not a complex word.
It is. For me.
You do know that without a “lift”, you would have to climb several floors if you wanted to reach a higher storey.
You mean story?
How, in God’s earth, does story figure here? I meant floor. The other word for floor is storey and, if you notice, it is spelt as storey!
I now see the difference. I thought you were about to tell me another story. But climbing storeys would have been an excellent workout!
What if you had to climb 30 storeys! Could that have been a great workout or would it have meant death for the person climbing up?
Death for sure.
What I want to tell you is that the first elevator was installed at Kolkata’s Raj Bhavan by Otis in the year 1892.