Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
Flash Post 275!

Flash Post 275!

Button, meet Romeo, supposedly the last male Sehuencas frog alive today. Romeo is on the look-out for his Juliet with whom he can mate and have babies so his lineage can continue as this species of frogs have become extinct. The reason being weather changes and pollution of water in which they live and breed. Incidentally, Romeo has his own dating profile started by Arturo Munoz, the founder of Amphibian Initiative.

That’s so cool.

And here’s what his profile says:

“Hi there. I’m Romeo, a Sehuencas water frog and not to start this off super heavy or anything, I am the last of my species. I know–intense stuff–but that’s why I am here–in the hope of finding my perfect match–so we can save our own kind (no pressure!).

I am a pretty simple guy. I tend to keep to myself and have the best nights just chilling at home or binge-watching the waters in the tank which is home inside the Cochabamba Natural History Museum. I love good food though and will pull on a pair of pants and step out if I see a juicy worm or snail.

As for who I am looking for, I’m not picky. I just need another Sehuencas like myself. Otherwise I will cease to exist (no big deal). So if you’re willing to find an old Romeo his only Juliet, please
donate to my cause so we can get out there and start looking for my one true match.”

His profile also asks nature lovers to donate to Global Wildlife Conservation so they can send out more biologists into the Bolivian cloud forests where Munoz first found Romeo 10 years back to find a mate for him.

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