Flash Post 254!
Stop showing off: I know we have a second Brahmakamal slowly blooming in the garden–which means we can wish again!
Don’t be so greedy, Button.
What did you wish for when the first flower bloomed?
You think I’m going to tell you?
If you do, I’ll tell you what I wished for.
You don’t have a chance in hell and I don’t want to know what you wished for. But you’re welcome to tell.
It also means we’ll see the unravelling of something that’s nothing short of a miracle once again. For those who did not get a chance of seeing this miracle the first time, why don’t you put up the visual of the first full-blown Brahmakamal for them to see and savour?
Why not? And here it is in all its glory:
Have you gone and checked on it after this evening’s sudden squall? Is it safe?
I just checked and it’s standing tall.
Touch wood.