Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
Flash Post 229!

Flash Post 229!

Button, I’m Julie. I am one of the strays your family looks after and I am so grateful for everything they do for me. From feeding me, to reporting every little negative health issue to you name it…they take care of me as a mother would her child. The two young boys, Mayur and Deepesh, are wonderful too as they drop by at the drop of a hat every time a health problem is reported to them. And I need that more now as I grow older and frailer and in need of lots and lots of TLC. Here’s an open letter to you, in particular, about some of the things I wanted to share with you on my birthday today.

My mother gave birth to me on the steps of Mahalaxmi Temple and when she died suddenly in a car crash, I was barely a few weeks old. Every single kin of mine–two brothers and a sister died within days of each other–leaving me all alone in this world. But I was very fortunate as another stray in this vicinity who had lost all her pups, took me in as one of her own and brought me up. When she died at the ripe old age of 16, I was already a grown dog and ready to fend for myself.

When I was 6, I met with a fatal accident but, thanks to the families living here–your family hadn’t come into my life then–who got me treated and took care of me, I recovered almost completely.

I became a mother when I turned 4 bringing 6 adorable pups into this world. 4 out of the 6 were pure white while the other 2 were a mix of black and white. They moved away when they grew up and must be living their own lives elsewhere with their respective families. You know that dogs don’t owe allegiance to parents and as soon as they are old enough to live by themselves, they move away, fending for themselves and living life on their own terms. I became a mother for the second time soon afterwards but those pups were malnourished and died soon after birth. The following year, some guys from somewhere came and sterilised me which was a good thing as I didn’t want to bring more malnourished pups into this world.

I turn 16 today. I am frail and very weak and as I fight to recover from the huge maggot-invested wound on my back, your family continue to bring me food and getting Deepesh or Mayur to come and check me out to clean and apply medicine on the wound. But honestly, Button, I am tired, very tired. Living life on the streets can be very tough.

Given my health condition, I am really lucky to have witnessed Diwali and New Year this year.  Did you enjoy yourself on Diwali? It’s a beautiful festival and the lights that people use to adorn their homes is a great idea but I don’t like people bursting firecrackers. It hurts my old ears and must be killing lots of elderly dogs who are homeless like me and I hope people would understand our fears and spare a thought for us sometimes. After all, God also created us.

I don’t know if your family understands the look of love and gratitude I see them with every time they come here but tell them that I love them and am grateful to them for picking on me as one their foster children.

Take care of yourself, Button. Much love,



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