Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
February 14. “Button, why do people all over the world celebrate February 14?”

February 14. “Button, why do people all over the world celebrate February 14?”

“It’s Valentine’s Day and people celebrate love. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Button. Do you know what lovers are gifting each other this year?”

“Flowers, I would guess!”

“You’re wrong. A very popular gift item this season is the teddy bear. That reminds me I must look out for a mate for you.”

“There’s no rush.”

“I can see you’re blushing. And please sit up straight. Your posture is all wrong. That’s what’s giving you a paunch. You need to knock it off before she comes into your life.”

“Maybe I’ll try some crunches from tomorrow. I do work out, you know.”

“I remember how you took that tumble doing step-ups. Also control what you eat.  There’s no point exercising and eating all that bhel every day. I thought you ate only fish.  Since when have you started binging on bhel?”

“Rani gave me some one day and I loved it so much, I told my friend Fluffy to get me some once in a while. His wife makes the best bhel in town and she’s started sending me some every day.”

“Now put a hold on that!”

“But I want to be like your younger daughter. I want to live life doing exactly what I want without any restriction. I also want to turn vegetarian.”

“And eat bhel every day? You take a call.”

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