December 16. “Have you noticed how it gets dark by 6 whereas in the summer it is bright till 7 or even later?”
“How can I see anything being locked up in this dark room?”
“Button, I am extremely sorry but work has started and, hopefully, will get over in some time.”
“Friend, I understand it is no fault of yours. Just remember I am fine in here. I sleep a lot, daydream and count the number of kisses and hugs I will get once the work gets done and we can meet again. I’ll also show you some verses I have been scribbling.”
“You write poetry?”
“I don’t want to call them poems.”
“That’s interesting.”
“Now go and have dinner quickly and go to bed. You get only 5-6 hours of sleep when you should actually get 7-8 hours. Try and go to bed early when you can. A lot of illnesses arise from sleep deprivation.”
“That’s what the papers said today. You have my word, I’ll try. You stay well.”