Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
December 10. “Button, it’s strange and hard to believe how one can hear so much commotion in an apartment so high up.

December 10. “Button, it’s strange and hard to believe how one can hear so much commotion in an apartment so high up.

We thought the noise up here would be minimal but that is not so! We hear every street sound and, this is a noisier time because of the wedding season.  To the beating of drums, movie songs are played at an unbearable crescendo. It’s sheer madness.”

“I know what you are talking about because, don’t forget, I can hear the same sounds.”

“Bombs and firecrackers just exploded. Sometime back I heard a dog yelping. Who knows—some scoundrel must have hurt him! It’s such a tough world out there. You have to fight every moment to survive. I live a charmed life but I feel miserable especially for our four-legged friends out there. They have to fight for every morsel of food as well as for survival which is their basic right.”

“Life can be tough.”

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