August 23. “Button, have you noticed how, in a room full of people, if one person yawns, the rest follow suit!”
“I have seen this happen but what do you think is the reason?”
“Some say yawning is contagious. Yet others say that we yawn when our brain is starved of oxygen. If the second is correct, how could everyone get starved of oxygen at the same time!”
“But they are all in the same room. If one is starved of oxygen, others will be starved of the gas too!”
“Makes sense. Does that mean yawning is not contagious?”
“May-be not.”
“It’s funny though because, if one starts to yawn, a chain reaction takes place where, one by one, everyone starts to yawn.”
“The other thing I have noticed is that the yawn is not restricted to just one yawn per person. The same person keeps yawning again and again and again!”
“Do our four-legged friends yawn like us?”
“I’ve not seen them yawn with their mouths wide open but there must be a way by which they breathe in extra oxygen when there is a shortfall.”