Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
August 13. “Button, on days when the sun emerges from behind the clouds with a big smile on his face, there’s sunshine all around.

August 13. “Button, on days when the sun emerges from behind the clouds with a big smile on his face, there’s sunshine all around.

From the birds in the sky to the stray looking out for some food to even flora and fauna, all love the sun because he is cheerful and happy.”

“It does feel wonderful when Mr Sun shows up.”

“Even we feel good. I agree that we also need rain and rain is as important as sunshine but rain, very often, can play spoilsport. The sun, on the other hand, lends magic and hope.”

“Mr Sun made an appearance this morning and made us all feel alive.”

“I see it as a tug-of-war between the sun and the rain. When the sun wins, he shows up bringing with him lots of sunshine and cheer but, when rain wins, it comes pouring down making things look dark and dismal.”

“But you can’t underestimate Mr Rain. He is as important as Mr Sun. We need them both.”

“Have you heard my younger daughter sometimes complain in the mornings when she wakes up and it’s raining that she finds the rains very depressing?”

“Yet this morning when she saw Mr Sun spread his warm tentacles all over, there was a huge smile on her face and she remarked—Thank god, it’s not raining. As kids, when we drew the sun, we drew a round smiling face with rays emanating from that source.”

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