April 26. I walked into Button’s room and found him, Rani and Mowgli having a pillow fight.
The bed was in a mess and there was cotton strewn all over.
“But this is such fun!”
“It may be fun for you but not for me. The three of you have not only messed up the room but torn two new pillows I just bought.”
As I was shouting at the three, Dost walked in and started playing with the third pillow. The three joined in, keeping an eye on me from the corner of their eyes. And, in no time, the third pillow was empty of its contents which, practically, had me in tears.
“Button, I didn’t expect this from you. And not from the two of you either.”
“We’re sorry. We didn’t expect the pillow fight to get out of hand.”
“Now please clean up the room. I don’t want even the smallest speck of cotton anywhere.”
As the three got down to work, I remembered the pillow fights my sister, and I used to have as kids. Ma would shout at us the same way I shouted at them and we would be expected to clean up our room. I concealed a giggle as I left.