Dear Readers, you may notice the dates of the Blog do not match the Flash Post dates which are in real time. The blog was written in 2009 and saw the light of day 6 months back when my younger daughter discovered it and decided to bring it to you here.
April 18. “Button, with water becoming more and more scarce and filthy, this planet of ours will eventually be referred to as The Planet of the Baldies.”

April 18. “Button, with water becoming more and more scarce and filthy, this planet of ours will eventually be referred to as The Planet of the Baldies.”

“I don’t seem to understand.”

“Don’t you hear almost everybody complain that they are losing hair and slowly balding because the water is so contaminated?”

“I heard the three women in the family complain. Katrina complains sometimes because she’s got a bad skin infection.”

“You don’t take a bath that often so you have no reason to complain!”

“Of-course I bathe every day. Don’t tell the world my little secrets.”

“Supposing we all went bald, we’d live life exactly the same way we do now: Hair or no hair!”


“Imagine saving all that money we spend on various kinds of hair products. Parlours wouldn’t exist. Barbers wouldn’t be around! People wouldn’t complain of going bald. There would be nothing called hair-weaving!”

“Take Dost for example. He doesn’t need a hair brush or a comb. Doesn’t need to visit a parlour for a hair cut. Can travel in a vehicle without worrying that his hairstyle will get all messed up. He can feel the breeze caress his scalp. Not having hair also has its plus points.”

“Don’t make the mistake of ever calling Dost bald. He shaves his head every third day.”